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Neuroanatomy. Year: 2002; Volume: 1

Page 1

Editorial • Published online December 25th, 2002 • 88 KB


Aksit MD, Basar R, Tascioglu AB, Celik HH.

No abstract available. © Neuroanatomy. 2002; 1: 1.

Pages 2-4

Case Report • Published online September 2nd, 2002 • 315 KB

Agenesis of the corpus callosum and septum pellucidum together with a multiple layered duramater

Sargon MF, Brohi RA, Ozeksi P, Tonak AK, Cumhur M.

During the removal of the brain in a 55-year-old male cadaver, a multiple layered duramater which was covering the left cerebral hemisphere was observed. In this cadaver, the endosteal layer of duramater was formed from 5 layers and there was a normal meningeal layer over the left cerebral hemisphere. Tissue specimens were taken for light microscopy from each of the endosteal layers and all of these 5 layers were found to be the endosteal layer of dura-mater. Following the mid-sagittal section of the brain, agenesis of the corpus callosum and septum pellucidum were also observed in this cadaver. In addition to all these findings, the gross anatomic appearance of the telencephalon was very abnormal, when compared with the normal brains. Agenesis of the corpus callosum and septum pellucidum are very rare abnormalities and they are usually associated with neurological disorders. However, a multiple layered duramater has not been reported previously. In conclusion, we believe that the combination of these three abnormalities is a unique entity and they might have been formed depending upon early embryological developmental abnormalities. © Neuroanatomy. 2002; 1: 2-4.

Pages 5-6

Hypothesis • Published online September 25th, 2002 • 335 KB

Hypertrophy of the subscapularis muscle might be an etiologic factor for suprascapular nerve entrapment at the suprascapular notch

Bayramoglu A, Demiryurek D, Erbil M, Aktekin M, Tetik O, Doral MN.

During the routine dissection of a 57 year old male cadaver, a hypertrophied subscapularis muscle was detected on the right side. Hypertrophied subscapularis muscle originated from the anterior surface of the scapula and inserted to the lesser tubercle of the humerus. Its superior part covered the entire anterior surface of the suprascapular notch and lay on the suprascapular nerve while it travelled through the notch under the superior transverse scapular ligament. Since the subscapularis muscle functions actively in the repetetive movements of the shoulder joint, hypertrophy of this muscle like in our case might be one of the reasons for the suprascapular nerve entrapment seen at the suprascapular notch specially for the ones who are involved in the overhead activities such as volleyball players and baseball pitchers. © Neuroanatomy. 2002; 1: 5-6.

Pages 7-11

Original Article • Published online October 7th, 2002 • 592 KB

The ultrastructure and immunohistochemistry of septum pellucidum in a case of thalamic low grade astrocytoma with review of literature

Aldur MM, Berker M, Celik HH, Sargon MF, Ugur Y, Dagdeviren A.

This article presents the results of light and electron microscopic (EM) findings of the septum pellucidum (Sp) in a case of thalamic low grade astrocytoma. Furthermore, it presents immunohistochemical staining of the Sp which has not been previously reported in the literature. The tissue specimen was obtained from a 34 year-old male patient, who had undergone subtotal tumor excision operation by the neurosurgery department. The intact part of the Sp was taken for routine light, transmission (TEM), scanning electron microscopic (SEM) and immunohistochemical examinations. In light microscopy and TEM examination the myelinated axons were small and medium sized. There was no grey matter in the examined area. In SEM examination, there were holes between the ependymal cells that showed transition zones between the inside of cavity and outside of it. In the immunohistochemical examination of the cryosections of the Sp, the ependymal lining cells were reactive with mAb B-F45. Significance and function of this antigen on ependymal cells remains to be clarified. The connection, relationships and function of the Sp is important in the human body. This detailed case study gives information for further research. © Neuroanatomy. 2002; 1: 7-11.

Pages 12-13

Case Report • Published online October 8th, 2002 • 219 KB

A complex variation of the vertebrobasilar system

Tuccar E, Yazar F, Kirici Y, Ozan H.

In the dissection of the posterior fossa of a 62-year-old man was found a complex variation concerning the vertebral arteries and their branches. What we encountered was a very thin intracisternal part of the vertebral artery unilaterally and a rare unilateral origin of the anterior spinal artery. This combined anomaly is important both in diagnosing these mentioned arteries and during surgical procedures related to the vascular structures of the cerebellum and the brain stem. © Neuroanatomy. 2002; 1: 12-13.

Page 14

Letter to the Editor • Published online November 7th, 2002 • 84 KB

Letter to the Editor

Tubbs RS, Oakes WJ.

No abstract available. © Neuroanatomy. 2002; 1: 14.

Pages 15-21

Original Article • Published online December 2nd, 2002 • 508 KB

Morphometry of some elements of limbic system in normal population: a quantitative MRI study

Yucel K, Hakyemez B, Parlak M, Oygucu IH.

MRI is an important research tool which enables to investigate the brains of neuropsychiatric patients in vivo. In our study we tried to measure the volumes of some limbic system structures in the normal population to be utilized for further MRI morphometric studies in neuropsychiatry. We measured the volumes of hippocampus and corpus amygdaloideum (amygdaloid body), and the widths (thickness) of fornix and corpus mammillare (mammillary body) in 42 healthy volunteers without any neuropsychiatric pathology. The 1.5 T MRI was taken at oblique coronal plane using a section thickness of 3 mm without any gap. The volumes of hippocampus and corpus amygdaloideum were normalized according to intracranial area. We also investigated right-left volume differences for hippocampus and corpus amygdaloideum and set a formula as % difference rate for fornix and corpus mammillare width. We found the right hippocampus and corpus amygdaloideum larger than the left. No sex effect were evaluated. In addition, the larger hippocampus did not mean larger fornix. As a conclusion, the MRI morphometric data for normal population and the relations of this data with certain parameters such as side, sex, age must be collected to assess the pathological values in MRI morphometry. © Neuroanatomy. 2002; 1: 15-21.

Pages 22-25

Original Article • Published online December 10th, 2002 • 452 KB

The organization of the somatic cell nuclei within the oculomotor nuclear complex in rats

Aktekin M, Aldur MM, Bayramoglu A, Atasever A, Ozturk AH, Basar R.

Although there is detailed knowledge on the organization of the motor neurons supplying the extraocular muscles, there are still some discrepancies concerning the results of different studies. This study is planned to reexamine the distribution of the motor neurons in the oculomotor nucleus of the rat. In the present study we used 20 young adult Sprague-Dawley rats in four groups which represent four extraocular muscle groups innervated by oculomotor nerve, namely medial rectus, inferior rectus, superior rectus and inferior oblique muscle groups. For each rat 1-2 μl of 30% Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is used as a tracer. Multiple injections were made to fully infiltrate the individual muscles. After determining the position of the medial rectus subgroup, injections were applied into more than one muscle in a single experiment in order to decide the proper localization of the motor neuron subgroups in relation to each other. For each of the muscle groups five rats were injected with HRP. The rostral end of the nucleus begins with a compact neuron group belonging to medial rectus subgroup. However, at the caudal end the neurons were scattered in a wider area gradually decreasing in number. Neurons innervating the medial rectus muscle were located ipsilaterally within the ventral and ventrolateral portions of the nucleus extending throghout its rostrocaudal length. Motoneurons belonging to the inferior rectus subgroup were observed ipsilaterally within the gap between the median raphe and medial end of the medial rectus subgroup. Motoneurons of the inferior oblique subgroup formed an ovoid cell mass ipsilaterally and slightly dorsal to the medial and inferior rectus subgroups. Neurons of the superior rectus subgroup were localized contralaterally within the caudal two thirds of the nucleus. The neurons of this subgroup were located at the ventral and ventromedial parts of the inferior oblique subgroup and dorsal to the inferior and the medial rectus subgroups. © Neuroanatomy. 2002; 1: 22-25.

Pages 26-28

Case Report • Published online December 17th, 2002 • 428 KB

Non-small cell lung cancer presenting as a bilateral metastatic brachial plexopathy

Karli N, Karli Oguz K, Zarifoglu M, Bilici N, Cakir O.

Squamous cell carcinoma may present with atypical peripheric nerve symptoms. Lung cancers are the second most common cancer which metastasize to the brachial plexus. Metastatic brachial plexopathy (BP) is almost always unilateral. We document MR images of a case with squamous cell lung cancer presenting as bilateral metastatic BP. Although very rare, bilateral plexopathy may be the presenting situation of lung cancer. © Neuroanatomy. 2002; 1: 26-28.

Table of Contents [Archives]

Year: 2023; Volume: 11 • In this volume there is _ article.

Year: 2011; Volume: 10 • In this volume there is 1 article.

Year: 2010; Volume: 9 • In this volume there are 3 articles.

Year: 2009; Volume: 8 • In this volume there are 11 articles.

Year: 2008; Volume: 7 • In this volume there are 24 articles and 1 supplement.

Year: 2007; Volume: 6 • In this volume there are 26 articles and 1 supplement.

Year: 2006; Volume: 5 • In this volume there are 19 articles and 2 supplement.

Year: 2005; Volume: 4 • In this volume there are 21 articles and 1 supplement.

Year: 2004; Volume: 3 • In this volume there are 18 articles and 1 supplement.

Year: 2003; Volume: 2 • In this volume there are 14 articles and 1 supplement.

Year: 2002; Volume: 1 • In this volume there are 9 articles.