A complex variation of the vertebrobasilar system
Published: 02/01/2023
- Location: Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey
Tuccar E, Yazar F, Kirici Y, Ozan H.
In the dissection of the posterior fossa of a 62-year-old man was found a complex variation concerning the vertebral arteries and their branches. What we encountered was a very thin intracisternal part of the vertebral artery unilaterally and a rare unilateral origin of the anterior spinal artery. This combined anomaly is important both in diagnosing these mentioned arteries and during surgical procedures related to the vascular structures of the cerebellum and the brain stem. © Neuroanatomy. 2002; 1: 12-13.

Neuroanatomy № 5 | http://neuroanatomy.org/5
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