- http://neuroanatomy.org
- Prof. Dr. M. Mustafa Aldur [MD-PhD], Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Anatomy, Çankaya 06100, Ankara, Turkey
Journal description
NEUROANATOMY is a peer-reviewed journal. Articles for the journal are chosen by the editors and published in English to make it easier for international use and more suitable for cataloging in the scientific indexes.
The basic aim of the journal is to present a medium where all people concerned with neuroanatomy will have a chance to introduce their neuroanatomy related reviews in an annual period.
Latest articles
2nd National Congress of Neuroscience, 16-20 April 2003, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey.FreeVolume 2 [2003] 09/01/2023No author available. No abstract available. © Neuroanatomy. 2003; 2: Supplement 1.
AnnouncementsFreeVolume 2 [2003] Çankaya (Ankara) 09/01/2023No author available. No abstract available. © Neuroanatomy. 2003; 2: 43.
The Limbic Brain by Andrew LautinFreeVolume 2 [2003] Çankaya (Ankara) 09/01/2023Tascioglu AB. No abstract available. © Neuroanatomy. 2003; 2: 42.
Neurovascular branching in the tarsal tunnelFreeVolume 2 [2003] 09/01/2023Bilge O, Ozer MA, Govsa F. The diagnosis and therapy of the tarsal tunnel syndrome, various surgical procedures at tarsal region and especially tibial nerve blocks requires a well understanded relationship and anatomy of the tibial nerve. For this pu...
Morphometric assessment of brain stem and cerebellar vermis with midsagittal MRI: the gender differeFreeVolume 2 [2003] 09/01/2023Murshed KA, Ziylan T, Seker M, Cicekcibasi AE, Acikgozoglu S.. Since the development of MRI techniques, many neuroanatomical studies of normal brain growth and atrophy have been reported. Investigations of aging effects on the brain stem and cerebell...
Microsurgical anatomy of the retroauricular, transcervico mastoid infralabyrinthine approach to juguFreeVolume 2 [2003] Çankaya (Ankara) 09/01/2023Kanno T, Kiya N, Sunil MV. This article presents the microsurgical anatomy of jugular foramen through the retroauricular, transmastoid infralabyrinthine approach. This method is easier than the classical infratemporal approach and provides better exp...
Ossification of interclinoid ligament and its clinical significanceFreeVolume 2 [2003] Çankaya (Ankara) 09/01/2023Ozdogmus O, Saka E, Tulay C, Gurdal E, Uzun I, Cavdar S. The ossification of ligamentous structures in various part of the body may result in clinical problems. The osseous interclinoid ligament is an underestimated structure in the middle cranial fo...
Intrasellar arachnoid cyst: a case reportFreeVolume 2 [2003] Çankaya (Ankara) 09/01/2023Gok B, Kaptanoglu E, Solaroglu I, Okutan O, Beskonakli E. Cystic lesions of the parasellar region are not uncommon and masquerade as a tumor both radiologically and clinically. True intrasellar arachnoid cysts are rare lesions and can easily be confu...
Computer aided three dimensional reconstruction course, March 7-8, 2003, Hacettepe University, AnkarFreeVolume 2 [2003] Çankaya (Ankara) 03/01/2023Demiryurek D. No abstract available. © Neuroanatomy. 2003; 2: 20-21.
Pedicle morphology of the first sacral vertebraFreeVolume 2 [2003] Çankaya (Ankara) 03/01/2023Okutan O, Kaptanoglu E, Solaroglu I, Beskonakli E, Tekdemir I. Posterior transpedicular screw fixation has been widely used for the management of unstable lumbosacral spine caused by trauma, degenerative conditions, congenital defects and neoplasms. ...